Mobile RFID & Barcode Scanners
LRH500L UHF RFID & Barcode Scanner
The LRH500L is a rugged Android industrial mobile computer and includes long range UHF RFID (>10m), GPS, 4G, Bluetooth, WiFi, NFC and 2D scanner for license scanning. This unit comes with a pistol grip.
LRH500 UHF RFID & Barcode Scanner
The LRH500 is a rugged Android industrial mobile computer and includes a medium range UHF RFID (<3m), GPS, 4G, Bluetooth, WiFi, NFC and 2D barcode reader for license scanning. This unit is popular due to its compact integrated antenna.

TSL 1153 Bluetooth Wearable UHF RFID Reader
With its compact and lightweight form, the TSL 1153 Bluetooth RFID reader provides efficient multifunction data collection. Designed to read and write EPC Class 1 Gen2 tags, the 1153 reader provides high performance 2D data scanning and sends data to any host it is connected to - whether it be enterprise handhelds, consumer phones, touchscreen MP3 players, tablets, or PCs.
High performance Bluetooth multi-modal data capture
Hardware platform independence
OS independence
Batch Data collection
High performance barcode scanning

Nordic ID Merlin UHF Handheld
Nordic ID Merlin provides an efficient solution when a robust and multi-functional mobile computer is required. The physical keyboard of the mobile computer eases the use while working with gloves. Suitable application areas are for example manufacturing industries, retail business operations and logistics.
Powerful mobile computer
Fast and accurate reading
Full day use with a single charge
Sharp colour display