RFID PPE Tracking For Mines
Automated RFID Tracking and Management of PPE Items and Miners
The management of Personal Protective Equipment and compliance to safety regulations is an important aspect of mining. PPETracker is an automated RFID system designed to track and manage PPE items.

How PPETracker Works:
RFID tags are attached to PPE items such as lamps, hard hats, rescue packs, gas monitors, and more.

The RFID scanners will detect all PPE items that move through the turnstiles. This process can be synchronized with the miners' swipe cards.
Fixed RFID scanners are installed at turnstiles situated at exits and entrances, including the lamp room area.
PPETracker and its Cloud-based System:
All data captured by RFID readers and swipe cards is synchronized and uploaded to the Cloud in real time. Authorized employees can log into their PPETracker accounts at any time to access records and reports.
The PPETracker system generates specialized reports such as:
Miner Log: Real time status of miners leaving and returning, with the date, time and location of the turnstiles at which miners entered and exited.

Exception Reports: A log of alarms with the dates, times and locations at which miners attempted to enter or exit turnstile points without PPE items, or when miners did not return at the end of their shifts.
PPE Register: A report with the date, time and location at which PPE items were added or removed, or faulty PPE items were sent for repair or refurbishment.


When a miner swipes his card at a turnstile point but no PPE items are detected, an exception report will be generated. If a miner returns from a shift without PPE items, or a miner does not return after a shift has ended, an alarm will sound.