RFID Weigh Bridge Automation

An automated weigh bridge monitoring solution which records and extracts weight data associated with vehicles as they drive through the weigh bridge.
When a truck arrives at the weigh bridge its unique RFID tag is recorded by our LIR-100 reader. Our software component extracts the weight data from the Trek Scale database, links it to the vehicle tag ID and sends it to our servers using the GPRS modem of the Techsolutions LIR-100.
Techsolutions is the leading supplier of RFID vehicle identification systems. The first system was supplied in 2007 to SANRAL for use at the the Bapong Overload Control Centre on the N4 highway, just outside Rustenburg. Since then, a number of systems have been supplied to clients in South Africa and in the SADC region.
Features and Benefits:
Automatic identification of vehicles and trailers on the weigh bridge using RFID. This eliminates errors and speeds up the process. RFID accuracy is much higher than ANPR.
Registering vehicles on the system by scanning the license disks of vehicles using a handheld scanner. This speeds up the process and eliminating errors
Linking additional data to the weigh record such as Delivery Note Number, Driver Details, and seal numbers using a handheld scanner. This substantially improves security when goods are released
Barcode/RFID scanning of driver license, part numbers, pallet/crate numbers. By electronically scanning these items, they are tracked and linked to the transaction record.

Interfacing to Local Weigh Bridge software:
The architecture allows for the vehicle identification information to be sent to the weigh bridge software.
Interfacing to eFreight.co.za:
For clients requiring end to end monitoring of freight and haulage between multiple sites, Techsolutions provide the eFreight Cloud Based solution – www.efreight.co.za.
Our RFID scanners can be fitted with GPRS/3G modems or utilise on site Internet connections. This allows the transaction data to be automatically sent to the eFreight platform allowing all parties in the transaction to share the transaction data in real time.
RFID Equipment:
The RFID scanners are designed and manufactured in South Africa by Techsolutions for the South African environment and has been type approved by ICASA.
Other Vehicle Applications:
Techsolutions’ RFID scanners are also use for vehicle access control of booms and gates as well as road toll applications.
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1219 Cobham Road, Pretoria, South Africa
+27 12 403-0091